
The library of CKRD Memorial Pharmacy College,Jhunjhunu(Raj.) has important role in supporting higher education as well as research activities in Pharmacy. The college has a large, well-stocked Library with more than 5600 books of all the Pharmaceutical departments with different sections made department wise. The library is a Digital Library with internet facility for students inside the library. The Library has a separate, peaceful reading room in which 60 students can read at a time. Different National dailies, professional, Medical and Pharmaceutical Journals are subscribed regularly in the library. The library has subscribed National journals and International journals. The Librarian is assisted by qualified Library Staff Members and Library attendants.

Library collection mainly includes books/journals in Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognocy, Pharmacy Management & related subjects; Reference sources like USP, BP, IP, Martindale, Merck Index, Manuals etc. Library has good collection of old Reference Books & Bound Volumes of Journals. At present the Library has collection of books, national & international Journals, bound back volumes of journals, thesis in the fields of Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacognocy.

Rules and Regulations of Library:
  • Silence and order must be maintained in the library at all times. Any infringement of this rule will be suitably dealt with.
  • No books shall be kept by any students for more than 14 days. For each succeeding day that the books are kept, he/she shall have to pay charges of Rs. 3/- per book till is returned back to the library.
  • A time limit of 15 days for keeping 2 books is allowed for students while teaching faculty members who may keep two books at a time for period not exceeding one month.
  • Books may be renewed on the request, at the discretion of librarian/Principal.
  • Every borrower shall be issued a borrower’s card which will be stamped by the librarian each time a book is issued or returned. If this card s lost duplicate card can be purchased from office.